So today's been a pretty long day... I think I'm just taking in so much information at work, and my boss even told me "you're falling asleep!" (in a nice way) Well, I wasn't quite really, but at some point it seemed that everything she said went right above my head. I spent about an hour reading this development program book made for me (It's about 6 inches thick of blabber) and it seems that in an hour I only read about 8 pages. I don't know why, but I'm really having trouble concentrating these past few days. I have a few theories: I have ADD somewhat and
1) My coworker is playing Christmas music, which is fine but a little distracting so when I read this thing I have to plug my ears (I'm too nice to tell her to turn it down)
2) I'm so psyched about everything that is happening to me right now that I keep thinking about other things - my new apartment, where I'm going to put the couch, when I'm going to call the electricity company, oh, and can't forget internet, where I'm going to buy my kitchen stuff, and planning out my strategy for next weekend... oh, by the way, if you haven't guessed, I GOT APPROVED FOR THE APARTMENT!! Not that I should have had any problems, but you never know, somebody could have framed me :) I'll move in next Sunday as planned!
3) I've been eating pretty badly. As you may or may not know, I've been on a wheat free dairy free diet since June (and have lost 15 lbs since then by the way), slipping up only once in a while. Well, this week I've been slipping pretty much everyday, and I feel.... down, bloated, tired, having trouble concentrating, which is proof that eating healthy is the way to go.
Speaking of eating, I didn't do so well on my vegetarian plan today. Now, I did eat my banana and almond butter as planned, and for lunch I finally finished my P.F. Chang's vegetable curry from last weekend (it was still good, miraculously!) but work had some kind of beef/pot roast thing with a mushroom sauce... and I had to have some. I've been eating way too much, for lunch and at the hotel lounge every night. But I figure, tonight's the last night, tomorrow after work (I get off at 2 by the way, yay!) I'm moving to another hotel with no hors d'oeuvres but I'll have a kitchen, so I'll start cooking and eating healthier. I also spent a pitiful 15 minutes at the fitness center today, after not having gone for over a week.... yeah, my job is great, my life is great, but my body feels like crap. Gotta change that!!
I hear there was a Christmas tree lighting ceremony tonight at 6 not far from here. I didn't go, it's just not the same when you're all alone, plus it's in a dense city where parking is horrible... and I promised myself I'd go to the fitness center and go meet the sales team at the hotel... yeah. Excuses, excuses. Well, hope you're all having a great day... and planning a fabulous weekend. This weekend for me? Saturday - rest and do laundry in a coin-up washer and dryer (never done that before, welcome to the real world) and rest, and Sunday is my work's Christmas party. Maybe I'll go to Ikea or something and start checking out prices for furniture :)
Oh, sorry, I almost forgot. Today I'm grateful that I got the final approval for my new kickin' apartment, and something unusual? On my way from work to the hotel, I saw a guy on a motorcycle, and the license plate said something about balls, and below it was a balloon with two round things dangling at the bottom, next to one another... and you guessed it, looked like balls. And the balloon was blue. Kinda funny. Good night everybody!!
Japan - Part Two
7 years ago
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