Aw man, I should really go to Zumba right now but I really don't feel like it. After all, I just showered 2 hours ago and washed my hair which now smells scrumptious, do I really want to waste it on a class that is a mix of modern day aerobics/middle Eastern/Salsa/ random dance moves?
Don't get me wrong, I like Zumba, but sometimes the routine calls for some "what on earth am I doing" kind of dance moves. Still it's a good workout. And a good place for me to shake my booty because I can't go to a club and do that anymore :)
So... what's new? Well, went to DC and Salt Lake, did costume volleyball, had my crazy week of stress at work which turned out I didn't have to, because our big project's been pushed back... good thing, yet bad thing because I did not have to work for 14 hours those first two days last week.
And I also spent my last birthday in SoCal, and I am now 27 years young, and I feel.... ok, not old, but just finally classified as an adult. I always categorized myself as a "young adult" the past few years, but now I feel like an "adult". Which is good! I feel like I'm finally being taken seriously :) but now the juicy details of the birthday party...
Nov 4th: Friday: get up and have 3 meetings at 9, 10 and 11 (greaaaaat), but at noon I wanted to treat myself, so got a panino at Corner Bakery because panini are the best invention since sliced bread. Then after work, I got a massage, then went to a French restaurant with 13 of my closest Cali friends... all said really kind words to me and wished me good luck in my move back, one of them even sang to me! Aww, gonna miss those guys...
Then the after-party and my friend's house, B made me a cake and R bought a tiramisu, and we all enjoyed each other's company! Got home around 1am, packed, went to bed around 2, then woke up at 5 to go to the airport to DC. Yeah, a long day :)
In DC I found the most amazing bakery... "Paul, Maison de Qualité" - which turns out is a known chain in France - and holy cow, they made all the French pastries and breads imaginable! Quiches, fougasses, chaussons aux pommes, chaussons au raisins, pain au chocolat... even the BEST hot dog ever: hot dog in a French baguette with béchamel sauce and melted gruyere, toasted to perfection delivering that prefect crunch from the bread and juicyness from the franckfurter. I truly, truly enjoyed that. But hey, I also enjoyed company with Mom & B, walking to the capital, Smithsonian, found a great French restaurant (ok, last post about food, I swear) and then the conference which was great to see people I talk to / email often and got to see in person, as well as my boss' boss' boss' boss' boss' boss.
Sigh... it's happening, I just gave my 30 day notice today for my apartment, and I've decided what to do on the rental truck... maybe... so ridiculously expensive. But whatever, a girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Thanksgiving will be spent packing and packing and finalizing stuff, hopefully I'll get invited somewhere for Thanksgiving this year. If not, no biggie... I love Thanksgiving but not as much as Christmas. Now if I had to spend Christmas alone, or wake up in an empty house, that would truly be depressing for me.
Oh, and Saturday, I'm going wedding dress shopping with my 2 girlfriends!! Yay. We were going to go to fancy Beverly Hills stores for fun, but I really don't want to fall in love with a $7,000 dress that I can't afford (even if I did, I wouldn't spend it) and find the David's bridal $500 dresses subpar.
Today I'm grateful for Babe's parents, who let me stay in their home while I was in Salt Lake the past few days. My future mommy in law even made me snacks while I worked, like apple slices and cheddar cheese.. yum!!
Wishing everyone a great evening and weekend coming up!
Japan - Part Two
7 years ago
hai im just blog walking here, love all, visit me back.
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