I started typing this blog a few days ago, and am continuing today…
Tuesday 1/5:
Well, it’s 7:12 AM and I’m still not flying over the Salt Flats or Vegas. Unfortunately, the airplane had an overheating issue, and because the maintenance guy seems brand new and careless, he said “Um, I don’t know how to fix a 439”. Great. Let’s all unboard the plane and get on a new one. Sigh… At least, we know before we’re in the air!!
Man, I took this early flight and went to extra lengths of doing only carry-on luggage so that in LA I could get out of the plane, grab the shuttle and go straight to work. I’ve got work to do and most of it should be done in the morning!! Now I’ll probably be at least an hour late. But considering that from 8:15 to 9 we just have our morning chat about “what did you do this weekend” anyway, if I miss that, I can just catch up with everyone at lunch or something. No biggie. I’ve only been gone for 2 weeks and there’s so much I need to catch up on!!
While I’m here and super tired as I got about 4 hours of sleep and about to embark on a 2 hour flight followed by a 9 hour work day, why don’t I start typing out my lovely New Year’s Resolutions?
So this year, as I mentioned on my last post, will be focused on my physical and emotional health and well-being. Intellectual well-being too while I’m at it. So here goes.
1. Choose and stick with a healthy lifestyle – for life. Which means, very minimum to no wheat and no cheese. Limit chocolate & sweets. PORTION CONTROL. Chew and enjoy your food. You’ll eat less that way and enjoy the flavors.
2. Do sit-ups in the morning on the yoga ball. I’ve got a song I can do them to, which amounts to 106 crunches. This will take 5 minutes out of my morning but give me energy to get ready 5 minutes faster.
3. Exercise at least 4 times a week. Muscle toning, cardio, Beach Volleyball and walking are all great, but I need to be careful with my knee, so choose wisely.
4. Keep going to bed at 10 and waking up at 6. Get to work by 7:30 every morning. I’ve been a little lazy this year at getting to work around 7:50, and although Boss Lady M is flexible, I get more work done that way. Plus, I can leave earlier, avoid traffic and gain 1 mpg. Yay!
5. Go to work with a purpose. Preferably not to be “to get through the day.” Learn and keep learning. Do more than expected. Do it right the first time. I came out here because I wanted to gain work experience; I should take full advantage of the resources, tools and opportunities that have been given to me.
5. Read. This is a new one. But when I think about it, I’ve started 2 books since college and never really finished them. I never read. Usually because I find books boring. The only book I’ve ever read and found interesting was a Harry Potter and one on health/nutrition. I want to read and be more knowledgeable. I’ll aim for reading 15-30 minutes before going to sleep. I know it’s what 60 year-olds do, but hey, I live & sleep alone :)
6. Cook more. For myself and for others. For myself to test it out, for others to be the food critics and have a good time. Use healthy ingredients. Use spices. Add flavors and deliciousness to healthy, wholesome foods.
7. Go out more. Explore the state you live in. Enjoy the company of friends. Be more outgoing. Do something nice for everyone you meet.
8. Stand/sit up straight. No one likes a slouch, and hey, I may gain an inch, reverse that scoliosis (haha, or at least prevent it from getting worse), prevent neck and back pain, and overall look a little more attractive. I know Babe will love this resolution. Oh, and mom, too. Tiens-toi droite! Tiens-toi droite! Tiens-toi droite! Tiens-toi droite! Tiens-toi droite! Ok Mom, I got it :)
Now it’s Saturday morning… and I feel good. No, great. I slept in (till 9, a little too much!!), am eating banana and almond butter for breakfast, am cooking some beans to make my delicious “Curried chickpeas and gingered black beans” for lunch, have lost 6 pounds already since Tuesday night by carrying out my resolutions (yes, I HAVE been doing the sit-ups, controlled my food portions, and stopped wheat!) Bottom line is, I feel great.
Tonight I’m going to be having dinner in KoreaTown and play some cranium with friends. Should be lots of fun, I can’t wait! I’ll try to stay true to resolution # 1.
This week has been pretty interesting. Work was crazy busy (still is), my boss was stressing me out a little, because basically she told me I’ve got the easiest job out of us 5 and other branches (which is true) and I should be all over this particular issue at work that blew up in our faces last week while I was gone, and partly because I asked someone to double check on something and she did not, but hey, it IS my fault, even though I tried my hardest to figure it out before I left on vacation, I AM the manager and I should’ve caught it sooner I guess… or been more authoritative or something with her, even though she’s not my direct subordinate… but guess what, people are out of town, or there are time zone differences of 15 hours, and not everyone does what they’re asked and ugh… what a pain. And what a long sentence! I think my boss is good for me, because she expects a lot out of me and she should, it’s been a year now and I need to be all over this stuff. She just stresses me out a bit though.
Today I’m grateful… to have friends and family wherever I go it seems. I mean, I absolutely loved my Christmas and New Year’s Eve vacation to Salt Lake and it was great to be home and see everyone. The only thing – it doesn’t feel like home right now, at this stage of my life. At this stage of my life, SoCal is home. When I go back to Salt Lake in a year or so, that will be home again. I can’t wait! Well, I can, but still looking forward to it :)
Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend… just like I plan to!
Japan - Part Two
7 years ago
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